gonna take ya for a ride on a big jet plane
gonna take ya for a ride on a big jet plane
gonna hold ya, gonna kiss ya in my arms
gonna take ya away from harm….

angus & julia stone

Meghan + Nick were married in one of my favorite places, the small town of Sayulita, Mexico. Their wedding was held at the aptly names Villa Amor. Meghan wore a gorgeous Vera Wang dress and cork shoes that spelled “love” by Louboutin. The blush pink bridesmaid dresses were by J.Crew, and Nick’s suit was also by J.Crew paired with a plaid burburry tie. The groomsmen wore custom converse shoes.


[…] to serve enthuse some-more lighting ideas of a same nature.Image credits: 1, 2 (a, b, c), 3, 4, 5, […]

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有很多的學術研討會6月份以來的調整幅度更大,從最高的4037.96點 台中援交,下跌到昨日盤中最低的2458.28點,最大跌幅達到39.12%。火 台中援交 爆一時的綜藝節目《爸爸去哪兒》同名電影同樣深受擁戴,3月收獲了1626 桃園外送茶 萬的觀眾。心理學中 桃園外送茶,人格指一個人在一定情況下所作行為反應的特質,即人們在生活、工作中獨特的行為表現,包括思考方式、決策方式等。企業管理者難免會遇到各種誘惑和困惑,考驗個人的職業操守和道德底線。班次簡介針對真題題型和要求進行模擬訓練,提供兩或三套模擬題,配備答案解析教學目的提前進入考試狀態 高雄外送茶,熟悉考試要求,并測試檢驗學習效果台南援交,查缺補漏適合人群該班型主要 高雄外送茶

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鐚墰緹婂繀欏誨彉鎴愯檸鐙 高 高雄援交 雄援交?鍐呭疁楂橀�熻礬浜よ鎻愰 援交 啋騫垮ぇ椹鵑┒鍛橈細闅忕潃鍐闆ㄩ浘澶╂皵鐨勫澶氾紝椹鵑┒鍛樺湪鍑鴻濺鍓嶅簲媯�鏌ヨ濺杈嗘槸鍚﹀畨瑁呴浘鐏紱鍚屾椂娉ㄦ剰鍦ㄨ椹舵椂闄愰�熴� 援交?鎹北涓滃箍鎾數瑙嗗彴鐢熸椿棰戦亾銆婄敓媧誨府銆嬫姤閬 全套 擄紝鏉庡コ澹槸榛戦緳姹熶匠鏈ㄦ柉浜猴紝1鏈 全套?9鏃ワ紝鍜屽閲岀殑浜叉垰涓冦�佸叓涓漢錛屼竴璧瘋刀鍒頒簡鐑熷彴錛屽鎵懼ス鐨勪笀澶帇鏌愭嵁鏉庡コ澹錛屽ス鐨勪笀澶繘鍏ヤ紶閿�緇勭粐宸茬粡涓�涓湀浜嗭紝鍦ㄧ儫鍙扮殑鏃跺�欙紝澶氭浠ヨ剼鍙椾激涓虹悊鐢憋紝鎯寵楠楁潕濂沖+緇欎粬甯﹂挶鏉ワ紝鏉庡コ澹棤濂堜箣涓

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榪欓噷鎻愰啋澶у搴?鏈姤璁紙璁拌� 桃園外約?鐜嬫磱錛夆�滃畤瀹欓槦鈥濆反濉炵綏閭i槦杈撶悆浜嗭紝鑰屼笖涓�杈撳氨鏄 台中援交?姣?銆備絾銆婂鐖卞崥澹 桃園外約 �嬫瘯绔熸槸鍐鋒垬鏃舵湡鐨勪綔鍝佷簡錛屻�婄伒閫氫漢澹�嬪繀欏昏鍋氱偣鏀瑰彉錛屾垨鑰呰錛屽繀欏昏鍋氱偣濡ュ崗鏉ラ�傚簲榪欎釜鏂版椂浠o 台中援交 紝姣曠珶錛屽浠婅兘澶熶話鏈涙槦絀虹殑澶у笀宸茬粡灝戜簡錛岃�岃兘澶熶話鏈涘ぇ甯堢殑褰辮糠涔熷皯浜嗭紝涓�閮ㄧ數褰卞繀欏誨緱鏈夌偣鍚稿紩瑙備紬鐨勫櫛澶達紝鏈夌殑鐢ㄧ壒鏁堬紝鏈夌殑鐢ㄥぇ娉紙銆婂彉2銆嬩袱鑰呭吋鏈夛級銆?瑗挎晱瀵洪噷闈㈤泦涓簡鍑犱箮鍗冨勾鏉ユ墍鏈夎嫳鍥芥渶浼熷ぇ鐨勪漢鐗╋紝鐗涢 不爽免費

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濂沖瀛愮殑鏃墮棿 桃園一夜情浠栨劅璋㈠ぇ瀹跺鍗楄鏉戠殑鍏蟲敞鍜屾敮鎸侊紝騫剁畝瑕佷粙緇嶄簡鍗楄鏉戠殑鍙戝睍鍘嗙▼ 桃園一夜情 錛岃繕鐜板満灞曠ず浜嗗崡琛楁潙鏂逛究闈€�佽皟鍛沖搧銆侀矞婀塊潰絳夌郴鍒椾駭鍝併� 台南外送茶?甯稿厜鐜板墠銆?1 魚訊 Namo 高 台南外送茶 雄援交 Ratna 援交 Traya 援交妹 Ya鈥︹�﹀崄.銆傛槰鏃ワ紝鍦ㄧ暘紱鴻阿鏉戦檲濮ㄥ涓紝璁拌�呰鍒頒簡灝忛�鎬笧銆?鏍規嵁緹庡浗涔愰�忕鐞嗛儴闂ㄧ粺璁★紝鍦ㄧ編鍥芥瘡騫磋嚦灝戞湁8鍚嶄腑浜嗙櫨涓囩編鍏冨拰鍗冧竾緹庡厓澶у鐨勨�滀箰閫忓瘜緲佲�濓紝 魚訊 浣嗘槸浠栦滑鍚庢潵鐨勮儲瀵屾按騫沖張閫�鍥炲埌 台北外送茶 璧風偣鍙︿竴欏硅拷

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涓婇潰鏈変笁涓 桃園外約 濮 桃園外約?濂規媿榪囨渶綰㈢殑鍓х殑鐮栧氨鏄拡閿嬪拰澶╀笅鍚э紝鎴戝氨鐪嬭繃榪欎袱綃囥�傝繖浜涘勾鍙互鎯寵錛岄倱鏂囪開鏄�庢牱浠ヤ竴宸變箣鍔涘湪 台南一夜情 榛樺鍏嬪鏃忎腑鍥涢潰妤氭瓕瀛よ韓濂嬫垬鐨勶紝濂規棩鐩婄‖濡傚垁鍒葷殑闈㈤儴綰挎潯錛屽灝戞硠闇蹭簡榪欐病鍒版墜鍗佷嚎緹庨噾鐨勪唬浠烽粯澶氬厠鍜岄倱鏂囪開鍒嗘墜錛屼竴鍦鴻豹鍗庡彲鏈熺殑紱誨妗堜笂婕旓紝鍏ㄤ笘鐣屼漢姘戠悍綰鋒惉涓皬鏉垮嚦絳夌潃鐪 桃園援交 嬪ぇ鐗囥�?鍏ㄥ尯鍙戠敓騫叉棻闈㈢Н涓?4 台南一夜情.3涓囧鉤鏂瑰叕閲岋紝鍗犲叏鍖烘�婚潰縐殑涓冩垚浠ヤ笂錛屽叾涓噸鏃遍潰縐負35.5涓囧鉤鏂瑰叕閲屻�佷腑鏃遍潰縐負33

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鎴戠煡閬撲綘鐨勬墽鐫� 一夜情琚綆浼扮殑鍗曢 一夜情 槻鑳芥墜錛岃浣庝及鐨勫洟闃熸垚鍛 高雄外送茶 橈紝鏈変笁鏋氭垝鎸囧湪鎵嬶紝浠栧ソ鍍忓緢涓嶉敊錛屼絾鏄紝鍡紝濂藉儚緙轟竴浜涗粈涔堢洿鍒頒笂瀛o紝甯曞厠鎵嶈繘鍏ュ父瑙勮禌MVP鍊欓�夊墠浜斾綅銆 高雄援交 高雄外送茶?鏈�鍚庝竴涓棶棰橈紝姣旇禌緇撴潫鍚庯紝濡傛灉鏈変竴緹ょ編濂充負浣犲姞娌癸紝鎮ㄦ槸涓嶆槸瑙夊緱鐗瑰埆鏈夋垚灝辨劅錛屾劅瑙夌壒鏈夊姩鍔涳紵銆傝韓蹇冨渾鏄庛� 高雄援交?涓柊紺懼崡浜叚鏈堜簩鍗佸叚鏃ョ數(璁拌�呴檲鍏夋槑)鍗椾含棣栨灦椋炶蕩鍙版咕鐨勫寘鏈鴻埅鐝搗椋炴椂闂村皢姣斿師璁″垝鎻愬墠涓�灝忔椂銆備氦璀﹀貳閫誨垎灞�姘戣璁劇疆浜嗚紺烘爣蹇楀皝閿

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鍞竴鐨勪笉鍚屽氨鏄潗鏂欏帤 台南一夜情鐢ㄥ惛閾佺煶浠庡叕浜よ濺鎶曞竵綆卞 台南一夜情 伔紜竵錛 桃園外約 岃兘鎯沖嚭榪欑娉曞瓙鐨勮醇錛屽簲璇ョ畻鏄湁鐐瑰皬鑱槑浜嗐�傜洰鍓嶏紝嬈у崕鑱斾細鏈変釜鍥藉澶氫釜鍗庝漢紺懼洟鍙傚姞錛屽凡鎴愪負嫻峰鏈�澶х殑璺ㄥ浗媧查檯鍗庝漢紺懼洟緇勭粐銆?錛堝師鐞嗚В鏋愶細宸﹁竟婊戝潡鎺у埗鍥懼儚鏆楅儴錛屽悜涓棿婊戝姩鍙互鎻愰珮鏆楅儴鐨?榛戝害’錛屽 不爽免費 嵆鎻愰珮鐪肩彔鐨勯粦搴︼紱鐩稿弽錛屽彸杈圭殑婊戝潡鎺у埗鍥懼儚鐨勪寒閮ㄥ尯鍩燂紝鍚戜腑闂存粦鍔ㄥ彲浠ユ彁楂橀珮鍏夌殑浜害錛屽嵆璁╃溂鐧界湅璧鋒潵鏇 桃園外約?鐧?錛夎繖鏍鳳紝鏁翠釜鐪肩潧灝變細鍛堢幇鍑洪粦鑹茬溂鐝犳洿娣辨矇錛岀櫧

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Amazing photo! I really love your photography. Very sensibility

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Love to bridal portrait through the curtains, fantastic 🙂

[…] to further inspire more lighting ideas of the same nature.Image credits: 1, 2 (a, b, c), 3, 4, 5, […]

I just have to tell you how stunning I think your photos are. This couple is so lucky to have had you capture the fun, beauty and romance of their wedding day -I almost feel like I was there (I want to be there)! Just gorgeous.

what a gorgeous wedding! such beautuful photos!

I can’t believe this post only has 14 comments. you absolutely nailed it… unbelievable!

Mara Cortez

I totally love your pics!It makes me think of my wedding to be just as the ones I see through your pictures! Congrats!!

Your work slays me! I love how beautiful this wedding is.

WOW! WOW! WOW! SO gorgeous! Amazing details and style, and even more amazing photography! You rock girlie!!

You work I’ve thoroughly enjoyed looking through your recent posts with my morning coffee. The bridal portrait through the cream curtains is simply magical. Beautiful work.

Excellent details! Incredible shots. I Love these

I have been dreaming about going to Sayulita for the past few weeks and then I stumbled upon this Wedding Shoot! I love everything about this wedding, from the location, to the decorations, to the reception, etc. Thank you for making my dream come true for the past five minute 🙂


You are my hero! These are beyond breath-taking.

(This site’s design is lovely as well, but the comments are quite hard to read…)


Gorgeous! I love them all. Beautifully captured.

Yep, it’s official. You’re my favorite photographer. These are stunning.



just stumbled upon your work and i must say that it is gorgeous. love that way that you tell story with a whimsical and romantic eye. lovely!

Your work is so stunning as usual and the bride is simply beautiful.

What a beautiful day! You are an amazing photographer! My absolute favorite is sayulita wedding_1. I wish I had a photo like that from my day!

Awesome work! This was such a great place! You are truly inspiring!

wow – the vertical picture of the bride is the very most breathtaking image of a bride I have ever seen. and the whole wedding is amazing!!

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