Liz + Al are our very dear friends who were married earlier this year, and their engagement session in a persimmon orchard was featured a while back on Green Wedding Shoes. For a while, they had a long distance relationship, so every night they would make sure to talk to each other over the phone before going to bed. Al would always say “I’ll see you at home,” when saying goodnight since they consider “home” to be when they are together.

Wow I must confess you make some very trncnhaet points.
[…] Tolle, einfühlsame Fotos eines Engagement-Shootings in imposanter Kulisse gibt es auf Auch ein Blick in die anderen Fotostrecken […]
Amazing photos! And what a sweet couple. From where is the dress with the polka dots? I love it!
Hi. I&;8712#m a single mom and was unsure if I could leave my two in GZ and TI and attend the small group after service. How long can we leave them there to attend small group?
I love it! fantastic colors
AKAIK yo’vue got the answer in one!
I love the banner idea! so well done 🙂
Absolutely stunning! I LOVE that orchard. The styling is just spot on.
gorgeous! I love the orchard and the colours. Beautiful images 🙂
wonderful photos! orange and green are so nice in this way!