The Ruche Early Summer lookbook launched this week! This first volumn entitle Unending Love was shot all around South Carolina. Make-up + hair by the super talented KC Witkamp
“she walks in beauty, like the night
of cloudless climes and starry skies;
and all that’s best of dark and bright
meet in her aspect and her eyes;
thus mellowed to that tender light
which heaven to gaudy day denies”
– Lord Byron
“love at the lips was touch as sweet as I could bear;
and once that seemed too much; I lived on air
that crossed me from sweet things
the scent of…was it musk
from hidden grapevine springs
down hill at dusk”
– Robert Frost
“here is the deepest secret nobody knows
it is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)”
– E.E. Cummings
These are gorgeous images–the light, the mood, and the model are amazing!!
Do you know the name of this model?
This has made my day. I wish all poigsnts were this good.
Stephanie, what is the name of this model? She is so stunning and I can’t find her anywhere!
[…] Images from left to right, top to bottom: 1. thesophisticatedmondane 2. heidimerrick 3. themodernromance […]
These are brilliant!!! I can spend all day looking at your work.
These are beautiful photographs!
Just blown away by this magnificent collection of fashion pictures and the super beautiful model is absolutely perfect.
That’s a sensible answer to a chelalnging question
These images are all breathtaking….love,love,love!
These photos are beyond stunning! You have amazing talent.
When we decide to tie the knot…you’ll be on the top of the list for wedding photographers. I adore your work.
[…] Stephanie Williams and her photos kill me. She embodies all the glamour and mystic of the 40s and 50s. […]
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or inecohrent. Not this!
I just LOVE all these photos! I’m such a fan of your photos and I found Ruche because of you and I love them too!
Oh wow this is so gorgeous!!!
I just saw this lookbook and I fell in love with it.
It is so Romanitc. So breathtaking gorgeous.
The model is beyond Beautiful. and the male model..hes a cutie pie!
I love your kinda vintage feel photography..It blows me away! defiantly will be back to see more of your work!
Very inspiring pics!
Your site is absolutely magical & poetic. I love it so much. The pictures are awesome.
gah! i looove your photos for ruche so much, i look forward to the lookbook not for the clothes but for your photos!
wow!!!! you’ve come soooo far sooo fast! amazing work. Love the poses and just about everything there is to love about photography
Pedro estou co.iogtn… Temos pena… DE FACTO!Mas com o post do Ivan provamos, uma vez mais, que não falamos daquilo que pensam que nos convém , mas sim daquilo que é bom para aquilo que amamos -> Lisboa!
it is kind of ridiculous how good you are..
Simply gorgeous!!! 🙂
That’s not just logic. That’s really selbisne.
Okay, I just want to set this straight. Your pictures are the most gorgeous pictures ever. Not kidding. They are beautiful in every single way and I just wanna stare at these all day. Wow. UNBELIEVABLE.
The most amazing, dreamy, inspiring and beautifully done images I have seen!
[…] See more the crazy lovely images via Stephanie’s blog. […]
just beyond words. exquisite.
this is pretty sick. Awesome work!
This is sooooo incredible beautiful Stephanie!! I love it to bits!! It looks like the exact same location as where The Notebook was filmed 😀
So so pretty. Wow! I love these!!
I LOVE the bicycle photos! so beautiful!
These are some of the most stunning photos I have ever seen. It would be my absolute dream to shoot these kinds of images. I have to know, what body/lenses did you shoot with? Some of these look like they could be film, or is it from digital post-processing? What other equipment did you use? The colors are brilliant and they’re both so sharp and soft. Perfect depth of field. They are heavenly, thank you.